강유원의 북리스트 | 정치철학(3) #Miller 12쪽



2022.08.05 정치철학(3) #Miller

012 나쁜 정부를 나타내는 반대쪽의 프레스코화는 보존상태가 그만 못하다. 
002 The fresco on the other side, representing evil government, is less well preserved,  

012 그 메시지는 마찬가지로 분명하다. 악마 같은 통치자가 탐욕, 잔인, 오만과 같은 악덕들로 둘러싸인 채, 도시는 군대에 점령당해 있고 불모의 들판은 유령처럼 그려진 군대에 의해 황폐해져 있다. 
002 but its message is equally plain: a demonic ruler surrounded by vices like Avarice, Cruelty, and Pride, a city under military occupation, and a barren countryside devastated by ghostly armies. Here the inscription held by the figure of Fear reads: 

콜론이 되어 있다. 악마 같은 통치자, 군대에 점령당한 도시, 유령같은 군대에 의해 황폐해진 불모의 들판, 이렇게 세 가지이다.

012 각자가 오직 자기 자신의 이익만을 추구하기 때문에 이 도시에서 정의는 폭정에 억눌려 있다. 그런 까닭에 이 길로는 누구도 자신의 생명에 대한 두려움 없이 지나가지 못한다. 성문 바깥과 안쪽에 강도들이 들끓기 때문이다.
002 Because each seeks only his own good, in this city Justice is subjected to tyranny; wherefore along this road nobody passes without fearing for his life, since there are robberies outside and inside the city gates. 

012 정치철학이란 무엇이고 왜 우리가 그것을 필요로 하는지 이해하는 데 로렌체티의 이 장엄한 벽화를 보는 것보다 더 좋은 방법은 없다.
002 There is no better way to understand what political philosophy is and why we need it than by looking at Lorenzetti's magnificent mural.  

012 우리는 정치철학을 좋은 정부와 나쁜 정부의 본성, 원인 및 그 효과에 관한 탐구라고 정의할 수 있다.
002 We can define political philosophy as an investigation into the nature, causes, and effects of good and bad government,  

012 로렌체티의 그림은 탐구를 간명하게 드러낼 뿐만 아니라 이 주제의 핵심에 놓인 세 가지 관념을 인상적인 시각적 형상으로 표현한다.
002 and our picture not only encapsulates this quest, but expresses in striking visual form three ideas that stand at the very heart of the subject.  

012 첫째 관념은 좋은 정부와 나쁜 정부가 인간의 삶의 질에 심대한 영향을 미친다는 것이다.
002 The first is that good and bad government profoundly affect the quality of human lives. 

012 로렌체티는 우리에게 정의나 그 밖의 덕목의 통치 덕분에 보통사람들이 어떻게 일하고 거래하고 사냥하고 춤추는지, 즉 일반적으로 인간 존재를 풍요롭게 하는 모든 것들을 어떻게 행하는지 보여준다.
002 Lorenzetti shows us how the rule of justice and the other virtues allows ordinary people to work, trade, hunt, dance, and generally do all those things that enrich human existence,  

013 반면에 그림의 다른 쪽에서는 폭정이 빈곤과 죽음을 낳고 있음을 보여준다.
002 while on the other side of the picture, tyranny breeds poverty and death.  

013 이러한 것이 첫째 관념이다.
002 So that is the first idea:  

013 우리가 잘 지배되는지 나쁘게 지배되는지에 따라 실제로 우리의 삶에 차이가 생긴다는 것이다. 
002 it really makes a difference to our lives whether we are governed well or badly. 

013 우리는 정치에 등을 돌릴 수 없으며, 사적인 삶으로 물러설 수 없고, 우리가 지배받는 방식이 자신의 개인적 행복에 심대한 영향을 미치지 않을 것이라고 상상할 수 없다.
002 We cannot turn our back on politics, retreat into private life, and imagine that the way we are governed will not have profound effects on our personal happiness. 


