강유원의 북리스트 | 정치철학(44) #Miller 52쪽



2023.02.14 정치철학(44) #Miller 52쪽

52 가령 우리가 중앙 권력이 부재한 가운데[권위가 없을 때] 전 사회적 범위의 철도망을 구축하고 싶어한다고 해보자. 
26 Suppose we want to build a society-wide rail network in the absence of a central authority. 


52 각 공동체는 필요 재원[자원]을 얼마만큼 씩 부담해야 할까? 머릿수에 맞추어야 할까, 
27 What share of resources should each community contribute? Should it be so much per head,


52 아니면 더 부유한 공동체가 그에 비례하여 더 많이 내야 할까? 
27 or should richer communities put in proportionally more?


52 나의 공동체가 외딴 지역에 자리잡고 있어 철도망과 연결하는 데 더 많은 비용이 든다면 단지 그 이유로 추가 비용을 부담해야 할까, 아니면 그 비용을 모든 공동체가 균등하게 부담해야 할까?
27 If my community is situated in a remote area that costs much more to connect to the network, should it alone cover the extra cost, or should that cost be shared equally by all communities?  


52 이 물음들에 답하기는 쉽지 않으며[쉬운 대답은 없으며], 그 문제들에 관해 많은 지역 공동체가 자발적인 합의에 이를 가능성이 있다고 생각할 이유도 없다[가능성도 거의 없다]. 
27 There are no easy answers to these questions, and no reason to think that it would be possible for many local communities to come to a voluntary agreement about them.  


52 이와는 대조적으로 국가는 일말의 해결을 강제할 수 있다[해결책을 강요/강제할 수 있다]. 
27 The state, by contrast, can impose a solution: 


52 국가는 이를테면 세금을 부과함으로써 각 개인이나 각 공동체에 일정 금액을 제공하도록 요구할 수 있다.
27 it can require each person or each community to contribute a certain amount, say through taxation.


53 이제는 정치권력[정치적 권위]과 국가에 대한 아나키스트의 또 하나의 대안, 즉 경제 시장에 의거하는 것을 고찰해보자. 
27 Now let us consider the other anarchist alternative to political authority and the state, the one that relies on the economic market. 

이미 누군가가 거래를 한다고 하면, 거래를 하는 제도적 장치/절차가 이미 전제된다. 그러므로 시장이라는 것을 따로 분류할 필요가 없다고 앞서 말한 바 있다.


53 확실히 이 대안은 시장이 사람들을 방대한 규모로[시장으로 인해 아주 많은 수의 사람들이] 함께 일할 수 있도록 하는 강력한 수단으로 입증된 한에서 현대 세계의 특성과 맞아 떨어진다. 
27 This certainly goes with the grain of the modern world, in so far as the market has proved to be a formidable instrument for allowing people to work together in large numbers.  

formidable, 가히 두려움에 떨게하는, 두려움에 떨만한이라는 의미를 가지고 있다.


53 시장은 이미 우리가 필요로 하고 원하는 재화와 서비스[용역] 대부분을[상당히] 공급하고 있다. 
27 It already supplies us with most of the goods and services we need and want. 


53 하지만 시장은 국가를 대신할 수 있을까?
27 But could it replace the state?

아나키스트들은 전제 자체가 인간은 서로 돕는다고 하는 도덕적 증명할 수 없는 인간관을 가지고 있고, 그들이 평화롭고 조화를 이루며 살아간다는 것에 초점이 있는 반면에, 리버테리안들은 시장 매카니즘이 이익의 자연적 일치를 불러와서 모든 것을 해결할 수 있게 해준다는 측면에, 그것이 작동하는 과정과 기구, 제도에 초점을 맞추고 있다.




